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Because of new government requirements hiring objective outside directors is now a top priority. Executives and board members are constantly being asked to comply with new governance requirements as well as grapple with difficult business decisions and situations. Independent Directors can help you find the outside, objective point-of-view to effectively position your company.

Independent Directors can add significant value to your company by providing a fresh look at the organization's vision, goals and processes.

Unfortunately, finding talented director candidates who can help with tough decisions and understand new governance requirements can be difficult. Independent Directors exists to simplify the process of selecting a new director. We are a group of professionals who meet the new independence regulations, understand financial statements and issues, and can bring a strategic, entrepreneurial perspective to your board.

Our Approach:
Independent Directors provides companies with the opportunity to choose from a limited number of highly-qualified independent candidates who can enhance a Board of Directors, as well as audit and other committees. Companies do not pay a search fee for the opportunity to work with us.

We believe our purpose as Independent Directors is to enhance shareholder value and achieve the company's goals. In order to accomplish this, each of our candidates has a thorough understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a corporate director, the ability to understand complex business issues and impeccable ethical and business credentials. Our professional approach enables us to build positive relationships with management, deliver sage and objective counsel and work with other directors to generate profitable growth and improved shareholder return.

At Independent Directors, we contribute independent value to your board.

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