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Why We Exist?

Companies need to find new directors for many reasons, including:

  • Reconsideration of roles and requirements for boards reflecting company growth and changing circumstances
  • Changing requirements for director independence and skills
  • Normal turnover
  • Turnover due to directors who are not willing to spend the significant time required

However, the process of finding directors is complex, time consuming and burdened by new regulations for public companies. Good director choices can add significant value to a business. Poor choices can be counterproductive.

Independent Directors exists to make this process simpler and less worrisome. We are a group of potential directors who meet the new independence rules, understand financial statements, have required skills and bring a business-building perspective to a board.

A company using Independent Directors can screen directors directly from our members. We make the selection process more direct and less haphazard. There are no additional fees or search fees beyond the standard directors fee to the member.

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